V.G Bitumen

Viscosity-Graded Asphalt Cement

VG bitumens are those types of bitumens that are made of oxidation of VB in distillatرion tower and are categorized according to viscosity. The main use of VG bitumen is in construction, insulation and to produse liquid bitumens and cutback bitumens.Classification of bitumens according to viscosity is by measuring of dynamic viscosity in 60 °c or kinematic viscosity in 135 °c
The scale of Dynamic viscosity is P and kinematic is CST. Viscosity tests show in order the road surface temperature in summer and the mixing asphalt’s temperature. are in 60 and 135 °c these show in order the road surface temperature in summer and the mixing asphalt’s temperature.

     reference standard

    V.G bitumen analysis

    • Bitumen AC - 2.5

    • Bitumen AC - 5

    • Bitumen AC - 10

    • Bitumen AC- 20

    • Bitumen AC - 30

    • Bitumen AC - 40